Work with Spyros

Work with Spyros


Work with Spyros

Over many years, I have observed that success is an attitude.

Positive thinking is good, but not enough. It is hopeless to apply willpower, trying to either create, eradicate or push something away IF NOT complemented by a good strategy, intelligent action plan and 100% focus and commitment.

Through my Executive Board and Consulting experience, I have been amazed by the paradox of executives wanting to transform a business but unwilling to consider transforming themselves. I observe the same thinking pattern with our business careers, personal relationships, including the relationship with ourselves. This resistance to change is apparent in any mindset process.
Resistance to change is inevitable.


The Process

The coaching process employing NLP besides blending with other transformation tools, will give birth to a different, resourceful and mighty successful version of yourself.
The process itself entails:

Our partnership will be personal, based on trust and mutual commitment.
You need to be prepared to part with your comfort zone. You will transcend the image you have created for the world to see. We all have created that construct, at a time or another BUT it is so exhausting and time-consuming to maintain.

We all have our favourite way of suffering.

– Anthony Robbins

Each of us has a museum of old beliefs.

– Robert Dilts

We base our lives on a lifetime of uninvestigated beliefs.
You will assume personal responsibility and radical honesty, of your thoughts and your actions, allowing your authentic brand identity to shine through.
Authenticity is at the heart of high performance and leadership
in both business life and personal life, connecting both.

Your Part

As with any birth there will be “pain” i.e. conscientious, focused and persistent work on your part.


A Story of Two Journeys

One is external

Everyone around you will see it as you will accomplish your goals.

The other is an inner process

Others cannot see it but yourself, it is rather experiential. It is where the essence of the transformation will take place.

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